杨冰冰Laurie was not seen keeping wat in the hall,warning the servants not to go near;And never doubted that the practice books and new songs on the instrumentals had been placed specially for her;Mr Laurence had done her a great deal of good by talking to her about music at home,and she only thought he was being kind.
杨冰冰Laurie was not seen keeping wat in the hall,warning the servants not to go near;And never doubted that the practice books and new songs on the instrumentals had been placed specially for her;Mr Laurence had done her a great deal of good by talking to her about music at home,and she only thought he was being kind.
林璇She did not know that Mr. Laurence often opened his study door and listened to old tunes he liked; Laurie was not seen keeping watch in the hall, warning the servants not to go near; And never doubted that the practice books and new songs on the instrumentals had been placed specially for her; Mr Laurence had done her a great deal of good by talking to her about music at home, and she only thought he was being kind.