
The Great Gatsby书评


Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, a famous American writer, who is famous for the book he had written, The Great Gatsby. As soon as I finished reading it, I felt sorry about the tragic end of Gatsby.


From my point of view, Gatsby is a man who commits himself to having an intimate relationship with the fancy Daisy he dreamed of, even though he knows she has married Tom, a wealthy man with rude behaviors.


However, Gatsby loves Daisy so deep that he makes a large amount of money and holds lots of parties, just to show that he is rich now, he is no longer the poor guy as he used to, he has the ability to give Daisy a happy life now. With the rich and gentleman's status, Gatsby hopes the beloved lady can change her mind and fall in love with him again.


Nevertheless, although Daisy's marriage is not good, her husband having another woman to play with, she doesn't really tend to leave the fragile marriage and turn to Gatsby's warm heart. She plays Gatsby just for seeking some risks to make life more interesting, and to fight back her husband's derailment.


But things seem to be different when it comes to Gatsby's comprehension. He totally mistaken the real purpose that Daisy plays with him. He tricks himself that Daisy only loves him and never ever loved her real husband, which causes the war to break out between Daisy, Tom, and himself. Obviously, Daisy "betrayed "Gatsby. I can exactly experience the heart breaking in Gatsby's body at that time. That is vital, thorough, sharp, shame and a hardness for him to believe.


He cheats himself then, but that costs him a greater loss, his life was given to Daisy but Daisy and her husband send him the coldness and sarcasm in reply.


Well, Bad Ending for Gatsby, making my heart too cold to feel the enthusiasm deep in Gatsby’s heart.


To think about this wonderful book in another way, one can easily notice the unusual time when Fitzgerald wrote it, and ponder the typical objects in this book.


For instance, the green light indicates the "American dream", which is not real, but containing imaginations, illusory, and unreality.


In other words, this book discloses the bad aspect of the American dream, and the people's lives, who were called "The Lost Generation", suffered from the fast development in economy during the time between World War one and World War two. They don't know what to pursue, where the true path is. They were lost, and were confused.


All in all, the book lets readers all over the world to see the real life in the US at that special period of time, and gives us a chance to think things profoundly. That is the greatest thing I learned from this book, The Great Gatsby.



