中国人的精神 good
First and foremost, it’s difficult for a Chinese to write a book in English, and I admire him very much.Chinese people are unique so as the spirit of them. But in the age when the author lived, the traditional spirit of Chinese people has been destroyed by the western civilization, which pushed the author to find a means to awake the numb populace. What he wants to express is that he hoped to find something worth to be added to Chinese people who lived in the age of his time. It can illustrate the advantage of traditional culture and may be helpful for creating modern Chinese. Chinese people is smooth. Being exposed to the civilization lasted for thousand of years, a real Chinese person, even though he has many disadvantages , will be difficult to be hated. On account of this kind of smooth, the production of sympathy and real human wisdom lead to a noble spirit of Chinese people.The reasons why Chinese people have such a spiritual life as it is described above are as follows. First of all, every Chinese is born to be kind and generous. Secondly, Chinese is a language of spirit , so it is hard to learn Chinese only by intelligence. Only connect it with a person’s spirit instead can make one learn Chinese well. What’s more, Chinese people remember things by their heart, and as a result, they own a more extraordinary one. Last but not least, Chinese people treat others by their own heart, which is from the respect to people. It’s different from the ruled one which Japanese have. Thus, Chinese people live in a spiritual life. Although Chinese people’s life may lack accuracy, they have kindness and respect to others as well as marvelous memory, sympathy and the spiritual language ——Chinese.The spirit of Chinese people is a spirit which is always young and never die. In the Chinese civilization which lasts for thousand of years, there is no such endless fighting like western countries had in the dark middle age. Chinese is not keen on a religion as crazy as westerners, instead they have a complete philosophy system called Confucian. Why Confucian take the place of religion? This should be discussed from how a religion is created. As a religion, it came into being because of the fear of the unknown world. People hope the religion can help to give them courage and hope, especially the normal ones. The Confucian can be seen as a religion too. It can provide security and ask people to be kind. The reception which the king comes from the god can help the rulers to rule the country effectively. The Confucian can do the same thing to the Chinese too.Nowadays, in our modern life the spirit of Chinese people which has been mentioned in the book may be out of date, but the spirit of Chinese people will never be out. In our life, the spirit of Chinese people can also bring advantages to us. This spirit can save not only ourselves but also western countries full of conflicts and war.
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