
This book gives me some insight into human democracy.The following is my understanding of it.
The French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau said :"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains."Social order is a sacred right that provides the basis for all other rights.In the nature of things,it is based on fixed constraints.In primitive society,family is a natural form of society.Also parents are related to children inherently,the relationship between they and  their independent children still require a series of rules to restrict it.Without these rules,the society will completely be in a chaos.People in primitive societies made a hard living, so they had to unite to arrive at a consensus on public consciousness.Finally sovereignty appeared.
The sovereignty is the exercise of the.gernal will,which is inalienable and indivisible.And nothing can represent it expect itself.The power can be transmitted,but the sovereignty can't.The government is just a guide who help people to properly exercise rights.Now we know that the sovereignty is the exercise of the gernal will, the problem is that whether the gernal will would always be right.Althogh the gernal will  stand for the the fundamental interests of the people,it doesn't mean that the gernal will wouldn't  be fallible.Our will is always for our own good, but we do not always see what that is.The people is never corrupted, but it is often deceived, and on such occasions only does it seem to will what is bad.
In that case,government begins to work.The government is an intermediary between the sovereign and the citizen, enforcing the law under the direction of the public will.In addition,there are many other organizations all over the world.They are also a manifestation of the gernal will.



