周宏烨 《名垂青史的女孩》 读后感
周宏烨 <Historic Girls> The girls could live brilliantly
I am an ordinary girl who always feels confused facing the future, so I have great interests on the stories of the successful women in the world which I think could give tremendous effect on my attitude to life.
<Historic Girls> is a book which introduces twelve historic girls who all leave their names on the history book, do share something in common. I cannot agree the author more that there is a real nature which is being impulsive, trusting, tender and true. If I have to choose one which is most important to me, it's being true.
I don’t think being true is easy on account of the external environment that is rough, many people especially girls easily lose themselves with growth, they may play up to others or follow others’ opinions, but the excellent girls in the book show their determination of being themselves and sticking to the beginner's mind.
The most impressive figure is the Queen Elizabeth I. She is widely regarded as one of the most outstanding emperors in British history. During her reign, the British economy was prosperous, literature was brilliant, and military became the world's leading naval power. The king of England was not a nominal figure in her day of life, and she was responsible for an important part of the achievements of the golden age. She has made great breakthrough and done her best to maintain herself, and she set an example to girls in the world.
I admire all the 12 girls and I am obliged to learn from them in some aspects. The girls could live brilliantly if she could find her talent and adhere to the struggle, and importantly, being true and following her own heart.