


1. What are the five major principles in Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual?

2. What does Mencius say about “Great Man”?

3. What does “Conscience” in Chinese include?



  • 肖安禄
    1. The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals are benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness. 2. Mencius believed that a "Great Man" is someone who possesses innate moral qualities such as compassion, righteousness, and wisdom. He also emphasized the importance of self-cultivation and moral integrity in becoming a Great Man. 3. In Chinese culture, "Conscience" includes a sense of moral duty, personal integrity, and a deep awareness of right and wrong. It is seen as an inner compass that guides one's actions and decisions based on ethical principles.


  • 用户726830
    1. The "Five Constant Virtues" are propriety, righteousness, wisdom, faith, and benevolence. 2. Mencius said that a "great man" should have a mind that is not influenced by personal gain or loss, right or wrong, honor or disgrace, and pleasure or pain. He should be able to control his desires and maintain his integrity even in the face of temptation or adversity. A "great man" should also have a clear conscience and a sense of responsibility towards society and humanity as a whole. 3. "Conscience" in Chinese includes self-awareness, self-criticism, self-regulation, and self-improvement. It refers to the inner voice or moral compass that guides individuals to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and to make ethical decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Conscience can also involve feelings of remorse or guilt when one's actions go against their values or harm others.


  • 用户726830
    1. The "Five Constant Virtues" are propriety, righteousness, wisdom, faith, and benevolence. 2. Mencius said that a "great man" should have a mind that is not influenced by personal gain or loss, right or wrong, honor or disgrace, and pleasure or pain. He should be able to control his desires and maintain his integrity even in the face of temptation or adversity. A "great man" should also have a clear conscience and a sense of responsibility towards society and humanity as a whole. 3. "Conscience" in Chinese includes self-awareness, self-criticism, self-regulation, and self-improvement. It refers to the inner voice or moral compass that guides individuals to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and to make ethical decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Conscience can also involve feelings of remorse or guilt when one's actions go against their values or harm others.
