


2 . What do people in the remote future eat? (2 8.61%)




  • 吕锦承
    People in the distant future eat only fruit, are strict vegetarians, and have entered a state of severe mental retardation.


  • 李毅
    But the fruits were very delightful; one, in particular, that seemed to be in season all the time I was there—a floury thing in a three-sided husk—was especially good, and I made it my staple. At first I was puzzled by all these strange fruits, and by the strange flowers I saw, but later I began to perceive their import.


  • 郭瑷琪
    Fruit, by the bywas all their dietThese people of the remote future were strictvegetariansand while waswith them.in spite of some carna cravingsI had tobe frugivorous also.lndeed found afterwardsthat horsescattlesheepdogshad followed thelchthyosaurusinto extinction. But the fruits were verydelightfulonein particularthat seemed to be in season all the timelwas there-a floury thing in a three-sidedhusk-wasespecially good,and I made it my staple.At firstl was puZzled by all these strange fruitsand by the strangeflowersl sawbut later l began to perceive their import.


  • 周翔
    Frwit, bythe by, was alltheir diet.These people of the remote future were srict vegetarions, and while I wAS withthem, in Spite of some Carnal cravings, I hadto be frugivorous also.


  • 宋刘柳
    'Fruit, by the by, was all their diet. These people of the remote future were strict vegetarians, and while I was with them, in spite of some carnal cravings, I had to be frugivorous also. Indeed, I found afterwards that horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, had followed the Ichthyosaurus into extinction. But the fruits were very delightful; one, in particular, that seemed to be in season all the time I was there—a floury thing in a three-sided husk—was especially good, and I made it my staple. At first I was puzzled by all these strange fruits, and by the strange flowers I saw, but later I began to perceive their import.


  • 220340044 陈彬洋
    220340044 陈彬洋
    Fruit, by the bywas all their diet.These people of the remote future were strict vegetarians,and while| was with them.in spite of some carna cravings,I had to be frugivorous also.lndeed,I found afterwards that horsescattlesheepdogshad followed the lchthyosaurus into extinction.But the fruits were very delightful;one,in particularthat seemed to be in season all the timelwas there-a floury thing in a three-sided husk-was especially good,and I made it my staple.At firstI was puZzled by all these strange fruits, and by the strange flowersI sawbut later I began to perceive their import.


  • 杨青山
    On account of the people are strict vegetarians in the remote,they offten eat fruits.


  • 沈建冰
    'Fruit, by the by, was all their diet. These people of the remote future were strict vegetarians, and while I was with them, in spite of some carnal cravings, I


  • 郑铭杰
    Fruit, by the by, was all their diet. These people of the remote future were strict vegetarians


  • 聂佳睿
    'Fruit, by the by, was all their diet. These people of the remote future were strict vegetarians, and while I was with them, in spite of some carnal cravings, I had to be frugivorous also.
