Classic quotes from the book
Jane said to Rochester: "Do you think, because I am poor, I am humble, I am plain and small, that I have no soul, no feelings? You think wrong! My soul is as rich as yours! My heart is as full as yours! If God had blessed me with beauty and wealth, I would have made it difficult for you to leave me. I'm talking to your soul with my soul. Like two men passing through the grave, standing equal at the feet of God, because we are equal!" Although he is an orphan, his appearance is not outstanding, and he even suffers from inferiority. But she is awe-inspiring with her fierce self-esteem and unwavering optimism. Throughout the book, there is also her brave pursuit of love. She said, "I have as much soul as you -- and as much heart!" She was also a human being, and she believed that she had the right to love, even a man far above her in social class.