What moves me most in this book is Gatsby, the simple but great love,
who bravely and firmly pursues his dream. He always tries his best to go
against the ……展开↓
The Great Gatsby was a book that really touched me. I saw the movie
version before I read it, because I really liked Leonardo, so I saw
his movie. After ……展开↓
The Great Gatsby has been read as a pessimistic examination
of the American Dream. At its centre is a remarkable rags-to-riches
story, of a boy from ……展开↓
It is the symbol of Daisy in Gatsby's dream. It is the guiding light
of Gatsby's life, making him feel that the realization of hope is
close at hand and ……展开↓
The charm of the Great Gatsby lies in its simple story, ordinary
characters and honesty. It does not have vanity to describe the more
magnificent crowd, does ……展开↓
When I saw Gatsby die, I felt indescribably sad. Gatsby just after their
former life, is a kind of idealism, respectively for five years, he in
order to be ……展开↓