
The time machine

The time machine is Welles' first science fiction novel. The book is about a scientist who invents a machine that can travel through time and USES it to travel to earth more than 800,000 years later. At that time, the earth, human beings have split into two irreconcilable RACES. The emollient eloi and the wild beast morlock, both of which eventually died out, and all life withered away as the sun cooled. The time machine, the novel that first proposed the concept of "time travel", is a thrilling and thought-provoking cautionary tale that presents us with a tragic picture of cannibalism in the future through the adventures of adventurous scientists. A short time later, the time traveler never returned. Whether he found the era of true happiness in the not-too-distant future or whether he was lost entirely in the river of time is unknown. The author wrote in postscript: "but in my opinion, the future is still uncertain and optimistic - it's a totally unknown, are lit up several of his story, let me feel gratified that I had two fantastic white flowers wither - they are now, brown, dry, and vulnerable - but they show that even spirit and the power goes out the window, gratitude and warmth still live in people's minds."

