Caroline Bingley was deeply offended by Darcy's marriage, but she did not show her bitterness, and was always extremely polite to Elizabeth. Georgiana Darcy, on the other hand, became greatly attached to Elizabeth, and had the highest opinion of her. Lady Catherine, however, was so rude about Elizabeth to her nephew that he broke off communication completely with her for a time. In the end Elizabeth persuaded him to forgive his aunt, who eventually forgot her pride enough to visit them at Pemberley. There remained a close relationship between the Darcys and the Gardiners. Darcy and Elizabeth were both warmly grateful to the two people who, by inviting her to Derbyshire and taking her to visit Pemberley, had brought them together. 去书内

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    卡罗琳·彬格莱由于达西结婚而受到很大伤害,但她并没有显露心中的苦楚,对伊丽莎白也总是极为客气。另一方面,乔治安娜·达西对伊丽莎白极为依恋,对她也评价最高。但是,凯瑟琳夫人在外甥面前讲伊丽莎白的话如此无礼,达西有段时间与她断绝了往来。最后,伊丽莎白说服他原谅姨妈,后来,他姨妈竟也忘掉傲慢,到彭伯里拜访他们。 达西夫妇和嘉丁纳夫妇仍然关系密切。达西和伊丽莎白衷心感激这两个人,正是他们两个邀请伊丽莎白到德比郡去,并带她去参观彭伯里,最终使他们喜结良缘

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