And they fell on his neck and kissed him, and brought him into the palace and clothed him in fair raiment, and set the crown upon his head, and the sceptre in his hand, and over the city that stood by the river he ruled, and was its lord. Much justice and mercy did he show to all, and the evil magician he banished, and to the woodcutter and his wife he sent many rich gifts, and to their children he gave high honour. Nor would he suffer any to be cruel to bird or beast, but taught love and loving-kindness and charity, and to the poor he gave bread, and to the naked he gave raiment, and there was peace and plenty in the land. 去书内

  • 彭小清 彭小清

    There is no doubt that the star-child's parents love him. Only this kind of love is earthly love, conditional love, not the pure love that the writer spends his life celebrating and pursuing. And the conditions of pure love are severe enough to negate the positive effects of such love. In order to make the star-child realize his selfishness and coldness, his parents designed a trap to make him fall from the cloud of happiness and pride to the world of hardship and suffering, until the star-child was tortured, physically and mentally tired, and dishearted.

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