But the true faculty of doing good consists not in wealth nor station,
but in the energy and wisdom of a loving heart, that can sympathize with
all mankind, and acknowledges a brother or a sister in every unfortunate
man or woman, and an own child in each neglected orphan. Such a heart
was that of Mr. Raikes; and God now rewarded him with a blessed
opportunity of conferring more benefit on his race, than he, in his
humility, had ever dreamed of. And it would not be too much to say, that
the king and his nobles, and the wealthy gentlemen of England, with all
their boundless means, had for many years, done nothing so worthy of
grateful remembrance, as what was now to be effected by this humble individual
Whether a person can do good does not depend on his wealth or status, but on whether he has a passionate and intelligent love. Look at the Kings, princes and nobles, they have higher social status and wealth, they have higher social power, but they do nothing for the poor people.