He laughed wryly, and threw off his clothes. It was too much. He jumped out, naked and white, with a little shiver, into the hard slanting rain. Flossie sprang before him with a frantic little bark. Connie, her hair all wet and sticking to her head, turned her hot face and saw him. Her blue eyes blazed with excitement as she turned and ran fast, with a strange charging movement, out of the clearing and down the path, the wet boughs whipping her. She ran, and he saw nothing but the round wet head, the wet back leaning forward in flight, the rounded buttocks twinkling: a wonderful cowering female nakedness in flight 去书内

  • 黄缨媛 黄缨媛

    To me, their act seems a sort of relief, a detachment. 男女主此时都达到一种返璞归真的状态。两个人如小孩似的在雨中玩耍,共同从这个荒谬、疯狂、扭曲的世界中暂时抽离。

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