"My papa is dead!" she kept whispering to herself. "My papa is dead!" 去书内

  • 刘珂 刘珂

    She didn't understand why the teachers and students treat her so bad. She had to work 16 hours a day. She began to taste the hardships of life with no money. Sara and her partner Becky lived together and they helped each other, support each other.

    2016-05-29 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 李涵 李涵

    What a pity that her father was dead.But in this world,we are facing with many kinds of dilemma that we can't decide on.

    2016-04-15 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 张玫 张玫

    It reminds me of her peer's words:"I have no mama". Sara was positive about her mather's death, but as for her father,it seemed there was no way for her to make it through quickly. Maybe because she had spend so long the time with her father, the happiness and pleasure took up all her mind,thus it was really hard for her to accept the truth that her father had died.

    2016-04-03 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 杨雅琳 杨雅琳

    Drowning in massive sadness,she couldn't make it through.

    2016-01-05 喜欢(0) 回复(0)