Descartes, similarly, could doubt he has a body. In fact, he noticed that madmen sometimes believe they have extra limbs or they believe they’re of different sizes and shapes than they really are. And Descartes said, “How do I know I’m not crazy? Crazy people don’t think they’re crazy so the fact that I don’t think I’m crazy doesn’t mean I’m not crazy. “How do I know,” Descartes said, “I’m not dreaming right now?” But there is one thing, Descartes concluded, that he cannot doubt, and the answer is he cannot doubt that he is himself thinking. That would be self-refuting. And so, Descartes used the method of doubt to say there’s something really different about having a body that’s always uncertain from having a mind. And he used this argument as a way to support dualism, as a way to support the idea that bodies and minds are separate. And so he concluded, “I knew that I was a substance, the whole essence or nature of which is to think
同样地,笛卡尔甚至怀疑自己身体的存在。事实上他注意到疯子有时会相信自己有额外的四肢;或者相信四肢的大小与形状是与实际不同的。笛卡尔问道:“如何才能确定我不是个疯子呢?疯子们都认为自己是正常的,所以即使我觉得自己不是疯子也不意味着我真不是疯子。又如何能确定我现在不是在做梦呢?”但笛卡尔有一点肯定是他无法质。 疑的,那就是无法怀疑自我思考的存在。而这又与他普遍怀疑的说法自相矛盾了。因此,笛卡尔运用普遍怀疑法得出:与拥有不可确定的身体不同,拥有思想是肯定的。他用这一论据来支持二元论和身心二元的观点。最终他总结道:“我知道我是个实体,我的本质或本性就是思考。而这种思考主体的存在,无需任何空间,也不依赖于任何有形实体。也就是说我的灵魂、我的本质完全不同于我的身体。”