《百年科学经典》(第八卷)(1993-1997) 物理学分册 收录并翻译了国际综合性学术期刊《自然》1993年至1997年期间发表过的物理学相关的精华论文,再现了这一时期物理学领域的飞速发展,展现了物理学领域的研究人员艰辛跋涉、不断探索的历史足迹。
Nature: The Living Record of Science (volume VIII) (Physics) contains and translates essays published by the international academic journal Nature from 1993 to 1997, which reproduces the development of Physics in this period, and shows that researchers in the field of Physics have been trudging hard and exploring continuously.
- 量子隐形传态实验
- 无序介质中光的局域化
- Experimental Quantum Teleportation
- Localization of Light in a Disordered Medium
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记