Lang's fairy tales are the treasures of the world's classical fairy tales. It was translated into more than 20 languages published in the world, and generation after generation of children are attracted by its charm. Compared with Andersen's fairy tales and Grimms' fairy tales, Lang's fairy tales are a collection of traditional myths and classic fairy tales from different countries in the world.
- 作者简介
- 序
- 美人鱼和少年
- 林中睡美人
- 摩提卡提卡
- 鼻烟壶
- 小玛娅奇遇记
- 丑小鸭
- 衬衫领子
- 杰克和豆茎
- 长鼻子小矮人的故事
- 榛子孩
- 英文原文
- The Mermaid and the Boy
- The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood
- Motikatika
- The Snuff-box
- The Strange Adventures of Little Maia
- The Ugly Duckling
- The Shirt-collar
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- The History of Dwarf Long Nose
- The Hazelnut Child
- 美轮美奂的世界童话
- 版权页
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记