• 导读
  • 赢得彩票是否能让人更幸福?怎样才能更快乐?未来的机器人会有情感吗?

  • 内容简介
  • 爱到底是中世纪的欧洲诗人创造出来的还是人类与生俱来的?赢得彩票是否能让人更幸福?怎样才能更快乐?未来的机器人会有情感吗?本书以跨学科的独特视角,从人类学、心理学、神经科学和人工智能等方面解读人类情感,引领你体验一种别样的心灵之旅。

    Was love invented by European poets in the Middle Ages or is it part of human nature? Will winning the lottery really make you happy? Is it possible to build robots that have feelings? Emotion: A Very Short Introduction explores the latest thinking about the emotions, drawing upon a wide range of scientific research, from anthropology and psychology to neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Anthropologists have begun to question their previous views on the cultural relativity of emotional experience; cognitive psychologists have abandoned their exclusive focus on reasoning, perception, and memory, and are rediscovering the importance of affective processes; and neuroscientists and researchers in artificial intelligence have also joined the debate.

  • 作者简介
  • 迪伦·埃文斯,曾任英国巴斯大学进化机器人学研究员、伦敦大学国王学院哲学研究员,现任教于西英格兰大学计算机、工程和数学科学学院。业余心理治疗师、电影制片人及舞厅DJ。曾出版《演化心理学导论》等著作,并经常为《卫报》撰稿。2001年被《星期日独立报》评为英国最佳新生代作家之一。

    Dylan Evans is the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Projection Point, a global leader in risk intelligence solutions. He has written several popular science books, including Risk Intelligence: How to Live with Uncertainty (2012) and Placebo: The Belief Effect (2003), and in 2001 he was voted one of the twenty best young writers in Britain by the Independent on Sunday. He received a PhD in Philosophy from the London School of Economics in 2000, and has held academic appointments at King's College London, the University of Bath, and the American University of Beirut. He is also a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 前言
    • 第一章 共通的语言
    • 第二章 为什么自然永远无法演化出斯波克
    • 第三章 通向幸福的捷径
    • 第四章 头脑和心灵
    • 第五章 哭泣的电脑
    • 后记 心自有其道理
    • 资源材料