• 导读
  • 读此书,当年的罗马盛世之景便能跃然纸上,在你的脑海中久驱不散。

    Pico’s Oration attempted to remap the human landscape to center all attention on human capacity and human perspective. Arriving in a place near Florence, this famous Renaissance philosopher taught the amazing capacity of human achievement. "Pico himself had a massive intellect and studied everything there was to be studied in the university curriculum of the Renaissance; the Oration in part is meant to be a preface to a massive compendium of all the intellectual achievements of humanity, a compendium that never appeared because of Pico's early death."

  • 内容简介
  • 作者阿里斯蒂德斯最著名的演说是在罗马帝国皇室面前发表的《关于罗马》,他赞扬罗马帝国及其推崇的大同理论,描绘出了一幅令人印象深刻的罗马盛世之景。而这本书也被称为“文艺复兴宣言”。

    The Oration on the Dignity of Man (De hominis dignitate) is a famous public discourse pronounced in 1486 by Pico della Mirandola, an Italian scholar and philosopher of the Renaissance. It has been called the "Manifesto of the Renaissance".

  • 作者简介
  • 阿里斯蒂德斯是一个希腊演说家和作家。不同于许多智者,阿里斯蒂德不喜欢即席讲话。根据哲学家所,“因为他的天赋不是即兴口才行,他追求极端的精度……他富有天赋和净化他的任何空的冗长风格。”当他见过奥勒留在士麦那,皇帝问他朗诵,阿里斯蒂德答道:“提出今天的主题明天听我的,因为我是一个对那些不吐自己的演讲,试图使他们完美。在以后的生活,他恢复了他作为一个演说家的事业,取得如此显著的成功,斯特拉托斯宣称“阿里斯蒂德是所有智者最深谙他的艺术。”

    Publius Aelius Aristides Theodorus (117–181 CE) was a Greek orator and author considered to be a prime example of the Second Sophistic, a group of celebrated and highly influential orators who flourished from the reign of Nero until c. 230 CE. More than fifty of his orations and other works survive, dating from the reigns of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. His early success was interrupted by a decades-long series of illnesses for which he sought relief by divine communion with the god Asclepius, effected by interpreting and obeying the dreams that came to him while sleeping in the god’s sacred precinct; he later recorded this experience in a series of discourses titled Sacred Tales (Hieroi Logoi). In later life he resumed his career as an orator, achieving such notable success that Philostratus would declare that “Aristides was of all the sophists most deeply versed in his art.”

  • 目录
    • Roman Oration