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  • 本书系北京外国语大学德语系知名教授刘芳本、叶本度合著的全面介绍德国概况的中文读物。


  • 内容简介
  • 本书内容丰富,翔实新颖,共分15章,涵盖了德国的历史、政治、经济、文化、教育、节日、民俗、环保乃至衣、食、住、行等方方面面的情况,展现了德国境内50余座大、中小城镇的迷人风貌,更收纳了不少作者在德国亲自采集和亲身经历的第一手资料,包罗万象,生动有趣,笔触优美,向读者提供了一幅多姿多彩,魅力独具的德意志画卷。犹值一提的是,本书还包含了总共约60幅的精美照片和图片,照片均由作者亲自拍摄,直观地向读者呈现了现代德国的优美风景,宏伟建筑和人文风情,引人入胜,值得一睹为快。

    his book is rich in content, informative, innovative, divided into 15 chapters, covering German history, politics, economy, culture, education, festivals, folklore, environmental protection as well as clothing, food, shelter, and other aspects of the case of the line, showing the territory of Germany more than 50 seats large, charming style, the small towns, more accommodating of many authors personally collect first-hand information and personal experience in Germany, all-inclusive, interesting, beautiful strokes, provides the reader with a colorful, the unique charm of Deutsche picture. Still worth mentioning that the book also contains a total of about 60 beautiful photos, pictures and postcards, photos taken by the author himself, intuitively presented to readers of modern Germany beautiful scenery, magnificent architecture and cultural customs, fascinating worth to see it.

  • 作者简介
  • 刘芳本是我国著名德语教授,被国务院授予有特殊贡献专家称号。1936年生于福建厦门,1956年毕来于青岛二中,同年考入北京外国语学院(现北京外国语大学)德语语言文学系,1961年毕业,留校任德语教师,70年代曾先后为周恩来总理和邓小平总理进担任会谈口译员多次为高级政要人物作口译,1984年获德国堡基金会科研奖学金,《德汉中语手册》是她第一部教材专著,1981年出版,20余年来持续畅销不衰,1995年曾应邀在中央电视台教育台主讲题为“起路线”,的德语入门讲座。主要著作有《德汉口语手册》《祝你走运》《德语情态小品词研究》《世界文学家辞书》德语国家部分,《北京——中国北方》旅游手册,(德文篇),《德国情》《朗氏德汉双解大词典》《卡夫卡全集》部分译著,译著《行动起来为了德车》以及百余篇论文暨随笔。叶本度,德语教授,1935年生于无锡,1956年毕业于哈尔滨外学院俄罗斯语文系,1961年毕业于外国语学院(现北京外国语大学)德语系,获得双学士学位,70年代末创建中国第一本学德语杂志,名为《德语学习》。几十年如一日辛勤耕耘在教学第一线,教学业绩卓著,多次获各种荣誉称号,信受学生爱戴尊敬,德语处女作为1982年出版的《德语300小时》 是大学教材及自学皆十分理想而多年畅销的好书,主要著作有《德语300小时》《德语实用用文》《朗氏德汉双解大词典》(主编)通讯几十篇高水平、有独到见解的语言学论文。

    Liu Fang this: German professor, was awarded the title of a special contribution to the experts born in 1936 in Xiamen, Fujian Province, in 1956 to complete in Qingdao II, the same year he entered the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute (now Beijing Foreign Studies University) Department of German Language and Literature in 1961. graduation, any school German teacher, has worked 70 years for the Premier Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping held talks with Prime Minister into multiple interpreters for senior dignitaries as interpreters, 1984 Fort German Foundation research fellowship, De Hanzhong phrasebook" is her the first monograph textbooks, published in 1981, 20 years continued to sell briskly, 1995 was invited speaker at CCTV education station, entitled "from the line", the German entry talks. His major works include "German-Chinese Speaking Guide," "Good luck to you, "" German modal sketch words, "" World writer encyclopedia "German-speaking countries, the words" Beijing - North China "tourist brochures (German chapter)," German love "" dual solution Langerhans German-Chinese dictionary "" Kafka Complete Works "section translated, translated" into action for the German car "published hundreds of articles and essays cum.The degree of leaf, German professor, was born in 1935 in Wuxi, in 1956 graduated from the Harbin Institute of Russian foreign language teaching, in 1961 graduated from the School of Foreign Languages (now Beijing Foreign Studies University) German Department, obtained two bachelor degrees, in the late 1970s to create China's first The study German magazine, called "learning German." Several decades of hard work in teaching first-line, teaching, outstanding performance, many times by various honorary titles, the letter by the students love Daizun Jing, German maiden as 1982 published "German 300 hours" is the university textbooks and self-study are very ideal for many years the best-selling books, major works include "German 300 hours", "German utility with the text" "dual solution Langerhans German-Chinese dictionary" (ed.) dozens of high-level communication, there are insights of linguistics.

  • 目录
    • 第一章 德意志民族历史长河
    • 第二章 两德统一历史新篇章——欧罗巴式的德意志,还是德意志式的欧罗巴
    • 第三章 国体、政体和社会——统一后的德国政体概况
    • 第四章 德国风景魅力何在
    • 第五章 宗教和民间节日习俗
    • 第六章 饮食文化新视角
    • 第七章 德国当代交际礼仪
    • 第八章 德国人的居住理念和居住文化
    • 第九章 德语的妙趣所在——写给学习德语的读者
    • 第十章 交通——现代化的命脉
    • 第十一章 民族兴衰奥秘在教育
    • 第十二章 绿色,生命的标志——德国的环保事业
    • 第十三章 变革中的中德文化
    • 第十四章 经济与社会
    • 第十五章 关于赴德留学
    • 版权页