his book is rich in content, informative, innovative, divided into 15 chapters, covering German history, politics, economy, culture, education, festivals, folklore, environmental protection as well as clothing, food, shelter, and other aspects of the case of the line, showing the territory of Germany more than 50 seats large, charming style, the small towns, more accommodating of many authors personally collect first-hand information and personal experience in Germany, all-inclusive, interesting, beautiful strokes, provides the reader with a colorful, the unique charm of Deutsche picture. Still worth mentioning that the book also contains a total of about 60 beautiful photos, pictures and postcards, photos taken by the author himself, intuitively presented to readers of modern Germany beautiful scenery, magnificent architecture and cultural customs, fascinating worth to see it.
- 第一章 德意志民族历史长河
- 第二章 两德统一历史新篇章——欧罗巴式的德意志,还是德意志式的欧罗巴
- 第三章 国体、政体和社会——统一后的德国政体概况
- 第四章 德国风景魅力何在
- 第五章 宗教和民间节日习俗
- 第六章 饮食文化新视角
- 第七章 德国当代交际礼仪
- 第八章 德国人的居住理念和居住文化
- 第九章 德语的妙趣所在——写给学习德语的读者
- 第十章 交通——现代化的命脉
- 第十一章 民族兴衰奥秘在教育
- 第十二章 绿色,生命的标志——德国的环保事业
- 第十三章 变革中的中德文化
- 第十四章 经济与社会
- 第十五章 关于赴德留学
- 版权页
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记