    The Hidden Masterpiece

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    川外南方翻译学院 赵倩

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  • 追求完美反而会导致毁灭,什么才是艺术的终极境界?

    A young aspiring painter nervously climbs the stairs to the studio of the master painter Porbus, in hopes that the great artist will take him on as an apprentice. When he arrives at the top of the staircase, however, he finds his idol already has company in the form of a mysterious old man. This aged personage turns out to be the master's master, that is, the artist who taught Porbus all he knows about painting. The young novice is revealed to be Nicholas Poussin, who in Balzac's time was one of the most celebrated painters in French history. Poussin, upon seeing the old man's work, is amazed at the sublime talent of this aged master, who surpasses even the remarkable skill of Porbus. The old man, Maitre Frenhofer, has one great unfinished canvas secreted away in the back of his atelier. This piece of work is the great love of his life, and he refuses to share it with anyone. Poussin, filled with awe and admiration for this exceptional painter and overcomed by an irresistible curiosity, decides he must see this painting at all costs.

    The Hidden Masterpiece, could be considered a long short story or a short novella. First published in 1831, it falls under the category of Philosophical Studies in Balzac's body of work, The Comédie Humaine. In this tale Balzac explores the relationship between artists and their muses, the burden of genius, and the dangers of obsession. Frenhofer is an Icarus figure. He dares to rival the gods in his ability to create nature from nothing but palette and brush. He strives to materialize the ideal woman upon his canvas, just as Pygmalion sculpted Galatea from ivory. Poussin is the upstart whose ambition knows no bounds. He would sell his soul to the devil to decipher the old man's secrets. To these men, art is the one invaluable necessity of existence.

    Given all the care and attention paid to setting up the scenario, the shocking climax of the story feels a bit rushed, and the ending too abrupt. Nevertheless, art lovers everywhere will take pleasure in this cautionary fable of the perils of creative obsession.

  • 内容简介
  • 弗朗霍斐大师用十年时间画他的《美丽的诺瓦塞女人》。来拜访他的青年画家很想看这幅作品,但弗朗霍斐拒绝展示它,认为还不够完美。弗朗霍斐总要使这幅画臻于完美,他有时觉得大功告成了,但很快又发现了新的毛病,他似乎永远无法达到“光荣的最后一步。”




    A young aspiring painter nervously climbs the stairs to the studio of the master painter Porbus, in hopes that the great artist will take him on as an apprentice. When he arrives at the top of the staircase, however, he finds his idol already has company in the form of a mysterious old man. This aged personage turns out to be the master's master, that is, the artist who taught Porbus all he knows about painting. The young novice is revealed to be Nicholas Poussin, who in Balzac's time was one of the most celebrated painters in French history. Poussin, upon seeing the old man's work, is amazed at the sublime talent of this aged master, who surpasses even the remarkable skill of Porbus. The old man, Maitre Frenhofer, has one great unfinished canvas secreted away in the back of his atelier. This piece of work is the great love of his life, and he refuses to share it with anyone. Poussin, filled with awe and admiration for this exceptional painter and overcomed by an irresistible curiosity, decides he must see this painting at all costs.

    The Hidden Masterpiece, could be considered a long short story or a short novella. First published in 1831, it falls under the category of Philosophical Studies in Balzac's body of work, The Comédie Humaine. In this tale Balzac explores the relationship between artists and their muses, the burden of genius, and the dangers of obsession. Frenhofer is an Icarus figure. He dares to rival the gods in his ability to create nature from nothing but palette and brush. He strives to materialize the ideal woman upon his canvas, just as Pygmalion sculpted Galatea from ivory. Poussin is the upstart whose ambition knows no bounds. He would sell his soul to the devil to decipher the old man's secrets. To these men, art is the one invaluable necessity of existence.

    Given all the care and attention paid to setting up the scenario, the shocking climax of the story feels a bit rushed, and the ending too abrupt. Nevertheless, art lovers everywhere will take pleasure in this cautionary fable of the perils of creative obsession.

  • 作者简介
  • 奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克,法国小说家,法国19世纪伟大的批判现实主义作家,被称为现代法国小说之父。一生创作104部长、中、短篇小说和随笔,总名为《人间喜剧》。其中代表作为《欧仁妮·葛朗台》、《高老头》。

    Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 —18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright. He is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction. His large output of works, collectively entitled The Human Comedy (La Comidie Humaine), consists of 95 finished works (stories, novels and essays) and 48 unfinished works, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon. His masterpieces: Eugenie Grandet and Father Goriot.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 这是一部关于追求完美最终导致毁灭的小说。什么才是完美,完美到底可不可能,这一向是不确定到可怕的主题。完美的标准时时刻刻在变,天外有天,美永远是在远处。

  • 媒体书评
  • 被马克思赞为“充满辩证法的小杰作”。


    Along with Flaubert, Balzac is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction.

  • 目录
    • 第一章
    • 第二章