• 导读
  • 本书属于《人间喜剧》中私人生活场景的一部分。小说主要讲述了一宗门不当,户不对的婚姻。

  • 内容简介
  • 《猫打球商店》原题为《光荣与不幸》。小说以一个老呢绒商的家庭为背景,描写了一宗门户不当的婚姻,意在说明不同的出身、不同的生活环境和教养对人们的气质有多么大的影响,因而青年男女如果只凭一时的感情冲动而结合,往往会酿成终生的不幸,而凭着理智在本阶层中选择配偶,结局则会好得多。小说以一种温和的嘲讽态度,精确而且生动地描绘了这个阶层的思想感情、生活习惯,写出了那种买卖人的精明、狡猾、吝啬、小器和由于缺乏教育而产生的种种狭隘可笑的观念,但作者将这一切与贵族社会的虚伪、腐朽和冷酷相对照时,显然对这些见识浅短、趣味庸俗,然而善良敦厚的老派商人表示了更多的温情。

    It is a novel by Honoré de Balzac. It is the opening work in the Scenes of Private Life, which comprises the first volume of Balzac'sThe Human Comedy. First entitled Glory and Misfortune, this short novel was written in 1829 and published by Mame-Delaunay in 1830. It mainly tells a story of marriage between two disppropriate families.

  • 作者简介
  • 巴尔扎克是19世纪法国伟大的批判现实主义作家,欧洲批判现实主义文学的奠基人和杰出代表。一生创作96部长、中、短篇小说和随笔,总名为《人间喜剧》。其中代表作为《欧也妮•葛朗台》、《高老头》。100多年来,他的作品传遍了全世界,对世界文学的发展和人类进步产生了巨大的影响。

    Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright. His magnum opus was a sequence of short stories and novels collectively entitled Human Comedy, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.Due to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature. He is renowned for his multifaceted characters, who are morally ambiguous.

  • 目录
    • At the Sign of the Cat and Racket