John Griffith "Jack" London (born John Griffith Chaney, January 12, 1876—November 22, 1916) was an American author, journalist, and social activist. He was a pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction and was one of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone. He is best remembered as the author of The Call of the Wild and White Fang, both set in the Klondike Gold Rush, as well as the short stories To Build a Fire, An Odyssey of the North, and Love of Life. He also wrote of the South Pacific in such stories as The Pearls of Parlay and The Heathen, and of the San Francisco Bay area in The Sea Wolf . London was a passionate advocate of unionization, socialism, and the rights of workers and wrote several powerful works dealing with these topics such as his dystopian novel, The Iron Heel and his non-fiction exposé, The People of the Abyss.
““现在我知道这条船为什么叫‘吉尔’(译者注:‘吉尔’为Chill音译,意为‘寒冷’)了。”哈伯特说着,牙齿打着颤。” 全部笔记(2) 去书内
2013-06-19 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
““一个醉醺醺的墨西哥人,他整个人和不朽的灵魂,包括他的头发、皮,和脂肪,加起来都不值10比索。他倒可以用一团点燃的废棉花把这...” 全部笔记(2) 去书内
2013-06-19 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
““一个醉醺醺的墨西哥人,他整个人和不朽的灵魂,包括他的头发、皮,和脂肪,加起来都不值10比索。他倒可以用一团点燃的废棉花把这...” 全部笔记(2) 去书内
2013-06-19 喜欢(0) 回复(1)
““现在我知道这条船为什么叫‘吉尔’(译者注:‘吉尔’为Chill音译,意为‘寒冷’)了。”哈伯特说着,牙齿打着颤。” 全部笔记(2) 去书内
2013-06-19 喜欢(0) 回复(1)
“这个消息立即被拍成电报传了出去,复仇心重的墨西哥暴民占领了坦皮科的街道,并用撕毁美国国旗、咒骂美国人的方式来表达对美国政府行...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
2013-06-19 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
““想想看!”他解释了自己的愤怒,“外面的那些杂种里,有三分之一给你或我干过活——他们饿着肚子,光着脚,受着穷,只要有活干,一...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
2013-06-19 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
“:“外国佬,去见鬼吧!”“宰了这些美国猪!”“把这些美国狗丢到海里淹死!”” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
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